Welcome to the "Reverberation" official weblog page.
Through this site, you will be participation as a virtual visitor to the MCAD GALLERY, and you can also check each progress of Ayomi Yoshida's installation work "Reverberation" on time. Updated information will be released from art crew of this project, or even from Ayomi, the artist.


Another fun week, with Ayomi and her fantastic artist crew!

To celebrate their very hard work, Kerry organized a Potluck dinner on saturday! Everyone brought something to share.

Thanks to Jen, who hosted us at the amazing CW Lofts. The place itself deserves some credit. It was a former "Cream of Wheat" factory that has now been renovated into beautiful artist lofts and studios.

The feast.

Nothing says America like Apple Pie, home baked by Lea!

Lea and I trying hard to be cool.

More to come --


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